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If we do not have everything exactly as requested on your order, we don't send it without first contacting you via phone or email for approval. It is important that you enter a vaild email address and phone number on your order for us. We also guarantee review of your shipping estimate to ensure that it is the best price and option for you. We always check regional rate vs. flat rate vs. first class ... even for international customers!
You can rest easy knowing that we will NEVER put in a substitute, or send more or less than you asked for until we have cleared it with you first!
If we do make an error in your order (ARRRGGGHHHHHH) let us know. We will correct it whenever possible or refund your payment when a correction is not available.
If you find a manufacturer's defect, please do let us know. We may need to have it sent back to us, simply so we can also make the manufacturer aware. We hold our vendors to the same high standard we hold ourselves! We're sorry, but we cannot accept returns on fabric that is not due to mispick or manufacturing defect. Prices are subject to change but we will always let you know before processing your order.
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